Orthosis and Equipment's

Dr Tejas Patel, and Dr Mona Patel, are trained under well known PT and orthotist Nancy Hylton from USA for taking measurement of foot plates and and AFOS.
In collaboration of well knownOrthotist of India, Sparsh is also providing services for the following:
- Custom designed AFOs (Ankle foot orthosis)
- SMOs (supra maleollar orthosis)
- FRO (floor reaction orthosis)
- Foot plates (shoe insets)
- Various hand functional splint
- Night splints
- Home based required equipment like stander, posterior (reverse) Walker, elbow crutch, sticks
- Specially designed CP chair, and wheel chair, Adjusted Benches, Trolley, Various size physio ball, Bosu ball, Ballster,
- Sensory integration equipment’s like platform swing, trapeze, ballsters swing, T swing, frog swing, trampoline, tyre jumper, tyre swing, Hanging ladder, slides